This animation project originated from a workshop I conducted on the fundamentals of animation. What began as a simple flour sack animation exercise evolved into a more engaging and entertaining piece, thanks to the creative input from students. To enhance the stylized aesthetic, the animation was done on twos. The foliage was procedurally scattered using geometry nodes, while all textures, including the sky box, were created using procedural methods. The Vespa model, sourced from SketchFab, was adapted to fit the project by rigging and texturing. The line work, explosions and action lines were done using grease pencil. Pikachu's character was based on Christiaan Moleman's excellent flour sack rig, which served as a starting point for further customization. The motion design of the logo was done in separate blender file and it was compiled in Premiere, where the sound design was done as well.
Tools and Skills:
Blender Animation | Blender Rigging | Motion Design | Blender Grease Pencil | Stylized Rendering | Sound Design